Smith Wesson 28-2 highway patrolman
357 -6 inch barrel. Serial # is N197xxx, so puts the gun being built in 1974.
The trigger and hammer have been jeweled. This is a N frame series. With Pachmayr Presentation Grip. The rear sight has a slight damage on it, was drop at one time. Would trade for a 4” blue model.
Can contact me here or text me at
eight three two-4294768.
$ 760
Meet up in San Marcos/new braunfels or Seguin area.
Tags ww ww2 army wwii ii ptr Ptr91 aK ak47 ar sig i 1 ptr hk 1 a cz smith s patrolman banshee cmmg trapdoor mas gallant 9mm 5.56 7.62 m
Listing ID:3052426